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everything spiritual

In my reality, I am correct. In your reality, you are also correct. If this resonates, stick around. If this triggers you, ask yourself why.

Enjoy my stream of consciousness.

We are all psychic. Before every lifetime & after every lifetime on earth. We hold the answers to everything. Only a handful of people channel their abilities during their time on earth. People who are ‘not open’ to spirituality have simply lost sight of their their souls, their authentic selves, our collective purpose & harmony. However it isn’t their fault. We will be reincarnated on this earth time & again until we master our craft; fulfill our purpose.

My purpose is to awaken, heal, inspire, create, & help others remember the answers they already hold, but have forgotten. I am always surrendering to divine timing & channeling the energy of my higher self. We are the universe. We are all our higher selves. We are only living in the 3D through the vessels of these material bodies because earth is a material based world. We are the most abundant bodies of light & they beg to be remembered & recognized. Only material aspects will go extinct, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. We were meant to live in divine harmony to grow & laugh & explore & discover & feel grateful for souls alike our own.

I can’t wait for my soul to be free from this vessel. But in the meantime I will love her as strongly as I can & allow her to see everything she craves. I will care for her & nourish her until she’s loved & grown & can live no longer.

We are the creators of everything in our reality because every reality already exists. We align our energy, consciously & subconsciously, to a certain timeline. Manifesting is a simpler term. Reality shifting is the more adequate term. Every millisecond of everyday we are shifting into a new reality based on every thought, decision, & behaviour ever made. When you realize that & start using your powers for everything they are worth, that’s when you will create your ideal reality. Shift into a reality where your soul is free & where the answers you lost come back to you. The universe conspires to help you achieve anything in every lifetime that you put your mind to. Your spirit guides & your angels are assigned to you & will get you to where you need to be every single time. You just need to open your mind to realize what our souls are capable of. It is amazing how many answers will find you if you’re open to the awakenings the universe sends you, it is always setting you up for success. Sit, meditate & just let your thoughts flow. Do not worry about the logic behind them, most times you will channel messages that feel they hold no significance to your life at that current time but your guides have a reason for everything. A blank mind is a magnetic mind.

Love & emotions transcend across every universe because they are tied to our soul, what we do with our love & emotions & how we present them is tied to our physical bodies on earth. To form the galaxy of independent stars we all started off as.

My short time in university taught me an important lesson, I did not fight the grades I received, they only reflected what I was supposed to know in the eyes of the education system. I let them revel in their own beliefs because it is not my job to determine right & wrong as the concept doesn’t exist. They have their own path as you have your own. As long as you don’t lose sight of your true self you will always win the emotional battle.

People who bask in the material world may hold power over society but will never hold power in the emotional realm. They have no power over your emotions nor their own. You can’t escape the material world when placed on Earth because that’s what it is built upon, but I am far too young to be fully immersed into it, hence why I dropped out of university. We can share what we know to whomever as many times as we want, but they will never truly understand until they have lived it themselves. It baffles me when people crave material possessions when they have yet to explore the spiritual realm. Myself too, I realize the inconsistencies of my material desires when I hadn’t desired to know myself. I use this realization to aid my curiosity in the exploration of this world. Seeming lack of materials should not be the make or break basis of happiness when we already posses so much abundance that is often taken for granted.

If you’re trying to heal but don’t know where to start. Imagine you’re going into battle against yourself, what would you target first. Not physical weaknesses, but emotional weaknesses. What are your triggers? Explore these triggers & find out what it is that makes it trigger you. 

Unfortunately enough, people often allow their egos in the drivers seat. Our egos are not something to criticize but are also not something we should give any power. Our egos keep us comfortable, familiar, & safe. Though that may sound good, it also denies growth, new opportunities, & new experiences. Our true selves seek curiosity, crave internal and external exploration, & will never fear a challenge or obstacle. Lead from this space of authenticity & see where it gets you. Watch your desires fall at your feet & your manifestations appear in the 3D.

Set an intention, not an expectation. Detach from the outcomes, of the how's & why's. Attach yourself to a desire that is simple, not a specific situation. For example, desire your soul family, not a specific person you believe is a part of your soul family. Desire to live in a place that promotes growth, not a specific place that you believe will promote growth. Plant a seed & the universe will do the rest.

Anyway, here is a quick run down on how i started to discover my authentic self. I always thought I knew who I was because I was seemingly one of the fortunate few who fit in just enough in high school to neither go noticed nor unnoticed. I suppose i was just there, existing. i only started to become self-aware of my true authentic self when i moved away for university. I underwent the most severe case of imposter syndrome. I was feeling lost, alienated, & experiencing anomie because i felt i no longer 'fit in'. I spent those four months primarily alone, & i wouldn't change it for the world. I began my healing journey & underwent my most significant awakening without even realizing it. I was open to new experiences, new perspectives, & new connections, I surrendered to divine timing, I did not force anything. I let myself feel the abundance, the anger, the frustration, & the fulfillment. Everything fell into place & it everything continues to work out in my favour because there is a lesson, a blessing, & knowledge to be learnt in everything. Sometimes you just have to shift your perspective & be open to the unfamiliar. Embrace the unconventional.

some new thoughts:

to have existence there must be non-existence. One cannot exist without the other, just like how in the absence of cold you cannot be warm, in the absence of sad you cannot be happy. Without a thing called evil, the experience we call good cannot exist. We can have non-existence here on earth pertaining to materials only. But energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Everything that is, has always been. & we cannot exist if non-existence doesn’t apply to energetic matter. Therefor our souls don’t exist, they just are.

recently i got a channelled message that said "you are the soul of the sun." I had no idea what this meant & decided to do some research about it. I fell into a few articles speaking of 'solar consciousness'. Although I can't find as much information on this as i would like. I have formulated my own intuitive interpretation of this message i received:

Since this earth is shifting into a higher consciousness; the new earth, people who do not adjust their vibration to this new fundament, will be left behind. For me, I am being called to awaken to an utterly raw form of consciousness, solar consciousness. Returning to a form of pure light. No judgement, no ego, and limited personality traits (to an extent). Essentially ascending to the truest form that our souls can take on while still inside a physical body. Immersing myself in the 5D & the spiritual realm but still maintaining responsibility to my duties in the 3D. However, by becoming this raw force, my responsibilities in the 3D will be executed effortlessly & easily. A life of ease; a soft life; a life of retirement; possibly my last lifetime.

Speaking of lifetimes, I was curious as to if there was a number to how many lifetimes souls typically spend on earth. Short answer, there isn't. It is merely up to us but simultaneously happens in divine timing. I think to master one's craft & rid your soul of any karma, it can take anywhere from 1 life to thousands of lives. Spirit told me i have been here a rough 109 times... 109th times the charm lol.

I read this very interesting piece on Quora that i resonated with:

"A Soul’s journey is as vast as existence itself. There is no particular mathematical equation that we can use to determine how many incarnations it will take to master the Earth lessons determined adequate to advance beyond Earth. Some old Souls purposefully return to Earth to assist others with the journey. Spiritual depth and experience can be gained more quickly with the Grace of the Divine. Such Grace can grant what might me considered as a young soul, if only the number of times they have incarnated are counted, the spiritual wealth of an old Soul."

Sometimes I think that everything I write about is common knowledge & i am merely just venting, but then i get comments on my youtube channel thanking me of such words. It sort of made me realize that maybe i take these gifts for granted. But everyday i practice gratitude & these abilities are just one more thing of thousands that i am thankful for.

i am trying to update my blog posts more frequently, so stay updated.

love & light to all

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