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my poems & writing

"they are not my words,

they belong to something bigger, 

but only souls as lucky as mine 

obtain the greatness to share them."

"you are the soul of the sun,

you are divinely guided, loved, & led,

the lightning, the roots, the veins,

we are all connected."

"the soul of the sun,

the wise & chosen one,

collecting blessings like they're antique cars

and integrating them into her heart"

"i watch the birds fly but my teary eyes are still dripping,

like the seeds i planted

the fruit has yet to ripen.

but i remain hopeful

come spring they will start to blossom,

my teary eyes will begin to dry

as the seasons start all over."

"i am child of the sun,

i am a child of the moon,

as long as i'm here on earth,

i will surrender with every move."

"i could cry in your arms for no reason other than to be vulnerable with you,

i could let you see every inch of my soul because i trust you more than my own i do,

your light to me is a home

but the source of it i cannot meet,

our reunion will remain merely from afar,

for you are the moon & i am the sea."

"your presence lingers in the figs

the dandelions

the sweet long grass

& the humid ocean breeze.

i see you,

i feel you,

do you know me?"

"i cry for my family

but hear only the roar of waves in response,

the wolves staring back at me,

& the swaying of the tree stumps.

i shout some more but my seeming desires i never receive,

where are my people?

i ask,

please bring them to me.

the universe groans to my oblivion settled too inward,

so for once in my life i listen to her,

i sit,

i feel,

& grow my connection to nature."

"armies of solar flares & spirits of entice acting through the veil,

persuading without a physical form yet more powerful than anyone with,

active predators to the gatherers staying afloat on the surface,

taking stance from the depths,

pulling naivness under."

"unwavering kindness of souls alike our own,

unwavering kindness towards souls of all kinds."

"we cycle through emotion as if children of the moon."


they said the grass was greener.

oh how i didn’t realize how naive i truly was. 

i woke up with a smile,

no experience,

no knowledge, 

the ignorance was bliss.

and suppose the grass is greener,

but nobody told me it was fake.

The ideal representation of conformity

and utter illusion

wherein underneath the perfection lies

infinite realities of abused power

and difference

and hate. 

but how do I change the greenness of the grass?

i can not uncover the plastic,

the artificial,

and the source of all lies,

i just live it,

survive it,

and pretend my eyes don’t see the truth,

but i fear it’s too late,

for maybe the grass 

never existed in the first place."

"love so fickle,

a cigarette between my fingers,

tempting me of my self-worth,

reaping the agony from beneath my nails,

replacing it with grime and the 

aroma of bitter nostalgia."

"we dwell too much in the past,

we fear too much of the future,

we lose sight of who we are now.

when really,

we’re not what we’ve done,

we’re not what we’ll do, 

we are what we’re doing.

and what we’re doing should awaken the soul, 

light a fire so big

we forget what we’ve done,

and stop worrying about what we’ll do"

"i’d do a lot of things different,

maybe leave this country sooner,

listen to my mom more,

or spend more time with nature,

i’d pretend that i don’t realize

the injustices of this world,

or cry myself to sleep wishing to be a different girl, 

i’d buy my bestfriend flowers,

maybe give my brother a hug,

and never feel guilty

for not showing enough love."

"i stopped writing poetry 

just as i stopped longing for your validation,

poetry grieves as humans,

the most beautiful work from the most broken souls,

but i pieced mine back together,

i lost the outlet for my angst

because i no longer basked in what other people think,

my raw presence i no longer feared,

my emotions i now understand,

the love i give to myself 

because you never deserved it firsthand."

"my linen sheets,

they no longer hold your warmth,

my tattoos,

they no longer remember your touch,

my memories,

slowly growing devoid of your presence,

the rebirth of your energy 

i knew so familiar.

i’ll live in your honour,

and i’ll grieve with your soul,

because not one can reverse

the death of an ego"

"betrayal of the self 

excused by the influence of demons,

where the entities of true force

are born from fear and weakness"

"The grass has never been greener, your eyes have never been wider, listen to the whispers of your discernment. The curtains are being pulled back, the truth comes in the form of light. Feel the light, stand in the light, listen to the light. Allow your soul to become your reference point where the clocks turn in accordance to the divine & your never in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your future is unknown becuase it’s more than you ever could’ve imagined. Rocks come before the ice when you’re trying to climb a mountain. "

"My ego was trying to keep me in this stagnant environment because it fed off my downfall. 

A creature that is not evil but has yet to find its way. A creature fuelling its distorted mind with drama & betray. A creature I do not criticize nor judge nor give any control. A creature I will merely observe but never again console. A creature I will learn to unlove because it is possible in this world, & I will move on without an apology because I owe it to my soul. 

But how could I ever stay mad? 

I was born to give everything & only take what I need. I was born a pleaser, an empath & everything in between. But empathy without boundaries is the cruelest sabotage of them all. 

So I will release, not abandon, with an apology in my hand. I will engrave it in my heart to remind you over again, that the creatures of fear & self-sabotage too, deserve a place in this world as we all do, but not in this timeline, nor around my soul, never near the cracks of my veins, a threat to fall through; transforming me back to that person I was where external validation was my idea of love. Your death I grieve but I show no remorse, for I planted new seeds in this universe of growth."

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